Rely on The Holy Spirit

Acts 1: 6-8

So they, His disciples, followers of Christ, Us, asked (prayed) to Him. “Lord, will you at this time (this time of the pandemic) restore the kingdom to Israel?”

To His disciples, to us who have prayed this prayer, that God will restore the world, He said “ It is not for you to know the times or seasons that the father has fixed by his own authority.”

Firstly, we have to acknowledge that He is God and we are man. His sovereignty gives Him a different perspective and knowing Yahweh, this too is Holy! From that statement we also know that the seasons have been fixed by his own authority. He has known of this pandemic before this pandemic. As far as this statement was made by Jesus. He allowed it by his own authority. Regardless of how bad it looks, or whatever conspiracy theory you’ve heard (true or false) know that God has either planned it or allowed it to be. Why? Well like I said from my very limited perspective and knowledge of His ultimate will, I do not entirely know. And I don’t think He wants us to “entirely know”, just to trust Him and know that He is God!

But as humans, we truly are helpless. Which one of us can say we have 100% control of the situation, whether we get the virus or not? We have to take safety measures and honestly just hope. But Jesus said “ you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you”. Implying that we in our humanity don’t have power. He knows we don’t, but because He loves us and knows of the seasons, He (the Father), sends His Holy Spirit to give us power to face these times. A Spirit not of fear but or power, love and sound mind! (2 Timothy 1:7)

So with this power that removes fear, but gives sound mind, what do we do with it? Rest and know He is God. Read the Word and restore the lost time, gain more understanding. Worship the Lord and pray, pray, pray. Keep up with your church members and most importantly, evangelize to gain more. Jesus continued to say “ you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth”. Witness to others, share why you are fearless, and have power in this time. Let your reasonableness be known to the world: the Lord is at hand (Philippians 4:5). Even in this time, the gospel must be spread.

Prayer: “Lord May your will be done, as you have planned it to be. Lord we pray that you make us aware of the power we have in your Holy Spirit. A Spirit not of fear, but of power, love, and sound mind. Lord help us to trust in You, in this time help us to grow in your word, that our love may abound more and more in all knowledge and discernment. Lord above all, give us both the opportunity and boldness to share the gospel to the lost and be witnesses of our Lord Jesus Christ, and please begin to call your people to salvation.

Published by Nana Kwame Kankam

God has humbled me to see my flaws and recognize the perfection of Jesus Christ, whose likeness I now strive to attain, for the glory of God and for my good.

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